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7 Point Roof Assessment

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We check these common weak spots on your roof

1.Mould/Lichen We check for problematic mould growth and lichen. Sometimes when left too long mould and especially lichen can move from sitting on top of the roof to growing roots down into the paint coating and degrading this faster, leading to delamination and rust. A regular mould kill spray is a very cheap way of maintaining your roof.

2. Penetrations We check any penetrations including skylights. These are weak points in the roof that often lead to leaks and are often only sealed with sub-par off the shelf silicon that can wear quickly with UV damage.

3. Flashings and Roof Joins We check all flashing and roof joins. Sometimes capillary action can cause water to get through flashings or sheet joins and can ingress inside the roof. Ridge flashings with large gaps can get debris build up that can remain damp and cause corrosion.

4.Corrosion We check for signs of corrosion. Once rust sets in its difficult to stop. Generally, there are certain areas of the roof that are more prone to corrosion.

5 Gutters: We check if your gutters are experiencing debris build up and if drains are connected properly and water flowing. If gutters are internal, we check if there's corrosion issues if they are steel, if they are membrane gutters, we check all seam joins and the drain connection for any weak spots or glue failure.

6. Past Repairs We check past repair work. If there has been a leak repair in the past we check to see if the repair if holding up. Sometimes only a thin bead of silicon is all that’s stopping water from getting inside

7. Wear and Tear We check the age and general wear and tear of the roof. Keeping on top of roof maintenance can save you a lot of money as more cost-effective coatings can be applied if you get to your roof early.

We have cost effective maintenance and recoating options that means that you may not need to re-roof. We will provide you with a comprehensive report with photos showing any issues and can quote remedial work required.